Flowers for Algernon Death and Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Page Number)

Quote #4

It might be said that Charlie Gordon did not really exist before this experiment… (13.161)

That's a little insulting, Nemur. What the heck is the value of a human life, anyway? Do you have to be really smart like Charlie to enjoy this time on earth?

Quote #5

I may not have all the time I thought I had… (13.165)

Sounds like Charlie is just coming to terms with his mortality for the first time, like, ever. The problem is that he's defining his life as being smart, not simply existing.

Quote #6

I just got a look at your incinerator for disposing of experimental animals. What plans have you made for me? (15.217)

Uh-oh—Charlie's asking the hard questions. Something tells us he's not just interested in how he's going to be buried, but that this is more about his legacy.