Have You No Sense of Decency?: Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (LastName.Line)

Quote #1

I may say I resent very, very much this attempt to connect the great American Army with this attempt to sabotage the efforts of this committee's investigation into communism... (McCarthy.4)

In response to Stevens' opening statement that he speaks for the Army, McCarthy already sees a nefarious motivation behind a point of Parliamentary procedure. He's accusing the Secretary of the Army of betraying the Army, by speaking for the Army at an anti-Communist hearing. Can't accuse the guy of not having chutzpah.

Quote #2

Mr. Chairman, let's not be ridiculous. Mr. Welch knows, as I have told him a dozen times, that the FBI has all of this information. The defense plants have the information. The only thing we can do is to try and publicly expose these individuals and hope that they will be gotten rid of. And you know that, Mr. Welch. (McCarthy.62)

Everyone is standing in McCarthy's way. First Communists, then the FBI, and finally Welch himself. Nothing but traitors everywhere you turn. Psychiatrists have a word for that.

Quote #3

Not exactly, Mr. Chairman, but in view of Mr. Welch's request that the information be given once we know of anyone who might be performing any work for the Communist Party, I think we should tell him that he has in his law firm a young man named Fisher [...]. (McCarthy.74)

The insinuation is that Welch is also being betrayed by a Communist lurking in his own offices. The horror!