Have You No Sense of Decency?: Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (LastName.Line)

Quote #1

I may say I resent very, very much this attempt to connect the great American Army with this attempt to sabotage the efforts of this committee's investigation into communism. (McCarthy.4)

McCarthy is already attempting to reclaim the patriotic high ground here at the beginning of the hearing by undermining Secretary Stevens' standing. How? By questioning his patriotism via insinuating he's criticizing the people serving in the Army.

Quote #2

Mr. Cohn, what is the exact number of Communists or subversives that are loose today in these defense plants? (Welch.28)

Welch's question here is somewhat tongue in cheek, as he's trying to expose the inconsistencies and ridiculousness of McCarthy's assertions. He's mocking Cohn and McCarthy's claim to being the ultimate patriots hunting down the nasty subversives.

Quote #3

Mr. Cohn, you not only frighten me, you make me ashamed when there are so many in Massachusetts. (Welch.54)

Massachusetts, that hotbed of subversion. How dare all these Communists sully the reputation of the state that brought you the shot heard round the world, Paul Revere, and Tom Brady. Oops, sorry—wrong Patriots.