Have You No Sense of Decency?: Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (LastName.Line)

Quote #1

All we were investigating has been some Communists in the Army, a very small percentage, I would say much less than 1 percent. And when the Secretary says that, in effect 'I am speaking for the Army,' he is putting the 99.9 percent of good, honorable, loyal men in the Army into the position of trying to oppose the exposure of Communists in the Army. (McCarthy.4)

Right off the bat, McCarthy aims to scare Stevens by accusing him of implying that most members of the Army are Communists. Stevens, of course, was doing nothing of the sort.

Quote #2

He responded with even more force, "We will wreck the Army." (Adams.15)

Roy Cohn here is the "he" in this sentence. Cohn, like McCarthy, used intimidation as his basic M.O.

Quote #3

Mr. Cohn, you not only frighten me, you make me ashamed when there are so many in Massachusetts. (Welch.54)

Welch is mocking Cohn's fear-mongering. He holds Cohn's feet to the fire about exactly where all these Communists are hiding, as opposed to letting him coast on vague insinuation. The implication is that if he's telling the truth, it's way worse than anyone could imagine.