Have You No Sense of Decency?: Freedom and Tyranny Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (LastName.Line)

Quote #1

Mr. Cohn, what is the exact number of Communists or subversives that are loose today in these defense plants? (Welch.28)

McCarthy's idea was that these Communists on the loose were out to subvert the U.S. government from within.

Quote #2

You can't go too far revealing Communists. (Welch.52)

Only tyrannical governments recognize no limits on the ability to attack perceived enemies.

Quote #3

Cannot the FBI put these 130 men under surveillance before sundown tomorrow? (Welch.63)

Welch seems to imply that the United States government is almost as oppressive as the Soviet Union, well-known for being an Orwellian surveillance state.