The Iceman Cometh Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #7

HARRY HOPE: I’ve had the rheumatism on and off for twenty years. (3)

One of the many little lies Harry convinces himself of to justify never stepping foot out of the bar. Also an example of words that just don’t get thrown around too much these days. Rheumatism now usually gets referred to by its more specific cousin, arthritis.

Quote #8

PARRITT: I loved Mother, Larry! No matter what she did! I still do! (4)

Parritt’s great lie becomes even clearer now. Not only does he hate his mother now, he never loved her. Is he saying this stuff to convince Larry or to convince himself?

Quote #9

HICKEY: I loved her so much she could make me believe anything. (4)

Leave it to O’Neill to turn someone loving someone into an act of menace towards that person. Is Hickey just coming up with cheap excuses here?