The Iceman Cometh Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #4

PARRITT: You’re crazy! What do I want with a lawyer? (3)

The need for a lawyer implies some sort of guilt, and Parritt keeps lying to himself and telling himself he’s not guilty of anything. It’s not until he accepts his guilt that he can be free. Sadly for him, being free doesn’t include stuff like soaking in the sun, hitting a theme park, or living.

Quote #5

PARRITT: But I know how you can’t help still feeling—because I still love her, too. (3)

Parritt’s biggest lie to himself is that he still loves his mother. Larry might. Larry definitely might. Parritt set her up and sent her away out of hate, though. This is one thing that separates the two men. We get a sense at times that Larry believes Parritt lacks honor.

Quote #6

LARRY: I’ve told you you can’t make me judge you! (3)

In the end, Larry rises to the occasion and serves as judge for Parritt just like Hickey knew he would.