The Iceman Cometh Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act)

Quote #7

LARRY: Are you trying to make me your executioner? (4)

Larry can’t play the part of his own executioner, but in the end he finds it in himself to play the role for Parritt. In a way, this is the one kindness Larry shows towards Parritt. Even though the result is not necessarily what Larry wants to happen, it is what Parritt wants.

Quote #8

HICKEY: She’d never feel any pain, never wake up from her dream. (4)

Leave it to Hickey to frame murder as an act of love.

Quote #9

HICKEY: I’d have killed myself before I’d ever hurt her! (4)

This is one of those incredible Hickey lines that deserves a closer look. In essence, he is saying that killing Evelyn wasn’t hurting Evelyn. Hurting her was mocking her pipe dream and laughing at her. Killing her, at least according to Hickey, was more like setting her free.