Art and Culture Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She has acquired a taste for classical music over the years—"it's like learning to appreciate a stinky cheese." (1.30)

Mom has a snooty attitude toward classical music, but could the same be said for the type of rock music Mom enjoys? We're gonna go ahead and just say yes. Like mother, like daughter, it turns out.

Quote #2

In my family, playing music was still more important than the type of music you played. (3.20)

The family that plays music together, stays together. Unless they're torn apart in a terrible car accident, of course. But seriously, why is music such a binding thing for this family? Is it a special form of communication they can share?

Quote #3

"I'm obsessed with music and even I don't get transported like you do." (4.56)

Music is a common thread not just among Mia's family, but between her and Adam, too. They wouldn't have ever gone out if it were not for her love of music. Why is sharing a love of music so important?