Identity Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Dad seemed to understand that something had changed. He'd stopped arguing and had gotten a driver's license. […] Time to grow up. (2.2)

The teen characters don't experience much emotional growth in the book, but through flashbacks, we see the growth the adult characters go through. Dad realizes that he must staring being responsible now that he's had a second kid.

Quote #2

He wasn't a jock or a most-likely-to-succeed sort. But he was cool. (4.27)

This is one of many instances of us being told that Adam is cool. When does the author show us Adam's coolness? What makes him cool? Is being a jock or a most-likely-to-succeed sort not cool? Why or why not?

Quote #3

I chose a long black skirt and a maroon short-sleeved sweater. Plain and simple. My trademark, I guess. (4.43)

Mia believes herself to be "plain and simple," and that never changes. Perhaps she is plain and simple because her parents are the opposite. She doesn't do it out of rebellion; that's just who she is.