If Only Theme of Family

In If Only, there's a gaping hole where her mother used to be, an empty chair at the kitchen table, and she and her dad have to redefine themselves as a family of two. But they have no idea where to start. No matter how awesome her dad is, he can't take the place of her mom, and the same goes for Aunt Jennifer, especially since she's on the other side of the country. Even Maki the dog wonders where Sophie went—he still stands at the foot of the stairs in the morning, waiting to see her come down for breakfast. So. much. sadness.

Questions About Family

  1. Will Corinna develop closer relationships with her other family members—particularly Aunt Jennifer—than she would have if Sophie had lived?
  2. What are some ways Corinna and her dad can grow closer as a two-person family? How can they comfort each other and strengthen their bond?
  3. Will Maki get over Sophie? Do pets, unlike people, ever forget?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Sophie dying is tragic, but Corinna and her dad have the chance to build a really special relationship as a result.

No matter how close and comfortable Corinna and her dad become with each other, there will always be a hole in their family where Sophie belongs.