If Only Foreignness and "The Other" Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I reach out to open the taxi door. The driver wearing white gloves starts saying something very fast in Japanese. I'm confused. Then the door starts swinging open by itself. Mom never told us that the drivers get really mad if you try to open the door. (52.11)

In contrast, taxis in New York City have televisions in the partition between the front and back seats, and they start blaring commercials at you as soon as you get in. America!

Quote #2

We are surrounded by noisy slurpers. Dad and I look at each other and burst out laughing at the sound effects. Then we pump up the volume of our own slurping to fit in. (52.13)

In Japan, slurping is a sign that you're enjoying the meal. It's actually considered good manners.

Quote #3

Trying to communicate is exhausting. Sometimes people pretend not to hear us or understand us, but other times they are incredibly helpful and we do a whole nodding routine with a mixture of English and Japanese. (52.17)

Here's an experiment: Try to go an entire day without talking, but don't stop interacting with the world. Sure, other people might shun you for being a mime, but you'll learn what it's like to try to get by without spoken language.