If Only Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I look over at Joci to see if she gets how awkward this is. I'm not sure, but she looks like she's as scared as I am about how this is going to go. (3.45)

Corinna's first lunch with her friends on the first day of eighth grade is particularly scary. Nobody knows whether to acknowledge that she's motherless or pretend nothing happened.

Quote #2

But he hasn't answered the part of my question I've been too scared to ask. The part about what happens with me if something happens to him. The part I really need him to answer. (4.29)

This is a conversation Corinna needed to have with her dad before Sophie died—or at least shortly thereafter—but he might not have it figured out yet. After all, this is a pretty major arrangement to make.

Quote #3

When you don't know what's going to come at you, it makes it hard to feel safe. It's like trying to run across a street before the speeding truck that appears out of nowhere hits you and makes you go splat. (5.20)

All kinds of things unexpectedly trigger Corinna's fear, from her mom's favorite yogurt to seeing other mothers dropping their kids off at school. She never knows what's going to hurt next.