In Darkness Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Me and Marguerite, we knew what we had to do. We did it together, like we did everything. You looked at us, you saw a person in a mirror—someone reflected to make two people. We were in sync, like drums, man. We started to shake, and then we went all stiff and weird. (5.51)

Pretending to be possessed by Marassa, Shorty and Marguerite shake, rattle, and roll until their hearts are content with all the candy they've amassed. We notice how many times Shorty tells us that he's faking. He doesn't buy the supernatural thing, which means he's lying to every single person who comes to a performance.

Quote #5

Papa came down the steps. It hadn't seemed like a strange day till then, but at that moment it did. We were two liars, sitting with sweets in our laps that we didn't deserve. Me and Marguerite, we looked down, ashamed. (5.76)

Watch out, because Dad is livid now. The twins know they should be ashamed of themselves when he shows up at Dread's pad, too. His arrival highlights the fact that they've been deceiving people about their powers the whole time. No one likes to get called out as a liar.

Quote #6

You're a legend in this part of the Site, he said. Is it true that Dread had a thousand holes in him when he died?—I guess, I said. That's what my manman says. (17.84)

Leave it to Shorty to think his mom is a liar. He thinks his mom is lying about how many bullet holes were in Dread when he died. It's not until later that he sees she wasn't making the whole thing up. Yet he's still gone around town calling her a liar…