In Darkness Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

N*****s got to respect that m***********. You right—Boston come into our territory, we got to hit them back hard. That houngan gave me Dread's bones to wear, but now we need some deeper vodou: black maji. (17.45)

This comes to us from Biggie, when he's ticked about the Bostons hanging out in his territory. Again, his focus is on the respect factor. He's not interested in who makes the most cash, or where the drugs come from. It's all about whether or not someone is (dis)respecting him.

Quote #8

I know I've killed people, and you probably think I'm an evil person, but the truth is I only did it to find Marguerite. I only joined Route 9 cos they're the other power; they're the only ones who could help me destroy Boston and get her back. (17.147)

When Shorty lets us in on his little secret, we understand him a little bit more. He might like to pretend he sells drugs and kills people for the mad props he gets from his fellow Route 9 gangsters, but it's simpler than that. All he cares about is family, and that's his motivation for everything he does with Biggie.

Quote #9

As we passed the people outside their shacks, they looked down at the mud in respect. Of course, looking down at the mud is normal in the Site. (19.93)

Translation? People are always looking down because dead bodies are passing by. This is a way of showing respect to the fallen in the Site. Sadly, it happens really frequently. Everyone gets used to death and paying respects because it surrounds them all the time.