Khepera (Khepri)'s Conversations

Khepera (Khepri)'s Conversations



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They caught you on your day off!

Bahaha! BUSTED.

Hey, I got some serious air on that drop. And it was great cardio!

I'm going to a Scarab concert this weekend. Anybody want to come with?

Is it metal?

Of course it's metal.

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Check out the new song.


Hey, they're Egyptian! REPRESENT.

Better get four tickets.

Make it five.

I didn't know you liked death metal, honey.


Oh. Right.

You know, Khepera, something about you bugs me.

Ha ha ha. Very funny, bird boy.

Sorry. Just monkeying around.

Stop, stop! The puns are killing me.

Would you prefer I just winged it, Isis?


Great Khepera, I have a stupid question, but it's driving me nuts. Please don't smite me.

I'm hard to offend, kid. Ask.


Don't you get dizzy, rolling around all day?

You know, I never thought about it.


Great. Now I'm going to have to invest in motion-sickness medicine. Good job, Khentihotep.


You know my name?


And where you sleep. You're toast if my sun boat crashes tomorrow.

Don't be so hard on him. If I've managed this many million years, I think I'll be fine.


You'd better be. We've got a solstice to make happen.

That's nice. Thanks for sharing!

I thought you'd appreciate the beautiful pictures and the good press.

It helps, since everybody focuses on the dung and not on the beetle!
