Lips Touch: Three Times Spicy Little Curses Such As These, Chapter 2 Summary

The Curse

  • People are terribly gossipy at the British parties in Jaipur, and they like to talk about Estella because she's been in India for a really long time and can even speak the native tongue. How peculiar.
  • She also has a sort of bodyguard named Pranjivan whom she's raised since he was a baby. He goes everywhere with her and knows all of her secrets, including the fact that she regularly goes to Hell to parlay with the devil.
  • Everyone is confused when she shows up at the Political Agent's christening party and starts whispering behind her back.
  • They get even more gossipy when she comes up to the baby and utters a curse, saying that she'll have the most beautiful voice ever—but that anyone who hears it will fall dead on the spot.
  • Estella has one more trick up her sleeve, too: She tells the baby that it will stay silent until it can understand the curse. So at least for now, no one will die from its cries. Phew?