Little Brother Events Quotes

Chapter 1

My name is Marcus Yallow, but back when this story starts, I was going by w1n5t0n. Pronounced "Winston." (1.1)

Chapter 2

Ever since the truancy moblog went live, our world is full of nosy shopkeepers and pecksniffs who take it upon themselves to snap our piccies and put them on the net where they can be perused by sc...

Chapter 3

Not so our captors. They could have been half­time show cheerleaders on the Super Bowl. They looked American in a way I couldn't exactly define. Good jaw­lines, short, neat haircuts that weren't...

Chapter 4

I was being taken off America's shores to somewhere else, and who the hell knew where that was? I'd been scared before, but this thought terrified me, left me paralyzed and wordless with fear. (4.4)

Chapter 5

I got up and got moving. I felt the eyes watching me from all directions. (5.62)

Chapter 6

I used the Xnet for almost everything now. I'd set up a fake email address through the Pirate Party, a Swedish political party that hated Internet surveillance and promised to keep their mail accou...

Chapter 7

[Police officer Booger (we don't know his real name):] "You know what, maybe we should arrest you. You can spend a day or two in jail while your lawyer looks for you. A lot can happen in that time....

Chapter 8

[Marcus:] "Dad, it's ridiculous. They're not catching any terrorists, are they? It's just making people scared."[Dad:] "They may not have caught any terrorists yet, but they're sure getting a lot o...

Chapter 9

[Drew, Marcus's dad:] "What's the big deal? Would you rather have privacy or terrorists?" (9.37)

Chapter 10

[Jolu] turned to me. "No man, I don't get scared. I'm always scared. I've been scared since the minute the explosions happened. I'm so scared sometimes, I don't want to get out of bed." (10.61)

Chapter 11

[Ms. Galvez:] "The students at Berkeley sent a steady stream of freedom riders south, and they recruited them from information tables on campus, at Bancroft and Telegraph Avenue. You've probably se...

Chapter 12

[Trudy Doo:] "It's our goddamned city! It's our goddamned country. No terrorist can take it from us for so long as we're free. Once we're not free, the terrorists win! Take it back! Take it back! Y...

Chapter 13

The Board of Education said that its No Child Left Behind tests had cost tens of millions of dollars to produce and that they'd have to spend it all over again now that they'd had the leak. They ca...

Chapter 14

I hadn't spoken to Van in weeks, and those weeks felt like months. We used to talk every day. (14.44)

Chapter 15

All the crap they've done, none of it would stop the bridge from being blown up again. Tracing us around the city? Taking away our freedom? Making us suspicious of each other, turning us against ea...

Chapter 16

"Do you want to record this too?" she asked.Hadn't actually thought of that. I could see why it would be useful if I wanted to dispute what Barbara printed, though. Still, if I couldn't trust her t...

Chapter 17

"I am so sick of being scared," I said. "Let's take this to Barbara and have her publish it all. Put it all on the net. Let them take me away. At least I'll know what's going to happen then. At lea...

Chapter 20

"Do you know what waterboarding is, M1k3y?" Her voice reeled me in. […]I tried to go away. I'd heard of waterboarding. This was it, real torture. And this was just the beginning.I couldn't go awa...

Chapter 21

[Barbara:] "What do you want to do? Walk on the beach? Get a meal? These people had an incredible staff room ­­ we raided it on the way in. Gourmet all the way."At last a question I could answer....


[Marcus:] "I'm going to do a video about this. Get it out over the weekend. Mondays are big days for viral video. Everyone'll be coming back from the holiday weekend, looking for something funny to...