Little Brother Plot Analysis

Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation, conflict, complication, climax, suspense, denouement, and conclusion. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice.


Rebel, Rebel

We meet our narrator Marcus Yallow (a.k.a. w1n5t0n) heading towards the Vice Principal's office in his San Francisco high school. But he's different from James Dean—he may be a rebel, but he wants to have a cause. After leaving the office, he and his friends skip school through foiling the security technology that could track them. Marcus: 1; creepy technology: 0.

Rising Action

Rage Against the Machine

The Bay Bridge explodes (dang) and Marcus and friends are taken into custody by the Department of Homeland Security for possibly-maybe being terrorists. It's intense. They're released a few days later, but then they start the Xnet in defiance of increased security measures across San Francisco.

Marcus starts using the alias M1k3y online. There's a giant illegal concert called "Don't Trust Anyone Over 25" and then a VampMob game at Civic Center. But the DHS is closing in. Luckily, he's got a ride out of town in a truck headed for SoCal, thanks to an ally named Masha.

Climax (Part 1)

Wake Me Up Before You Go, Go

Marcus realizes he can't run away from his problems; he's got to stay and face the music. He smashes Masha's hands—um, hey: she was trying to help you—and escapes from the truck, heading back in the city. Time to contact Barbara (a reporter) and go totally public with what he knows.

Climax (part 2)

Don't Leave Me Hanging On Like A Yo-Yo

But in after escaping from the LA-bound truck, Marcus gets caught by the DHS when sleeping under a bridge. Has he made the wrong choice to stay around instead of escaping when he could? Looks like the answer is "Um, yes."

Falling Action

Everything's Going to Be All Right…Maybe

As he's heading back to prison, Marcus realizes he's already free…even if he's in the custody of the DHS. He's on the side of right, after all. The DHS starts waterboarding him (whoa, guys) but he's saved by investigative journalist Barbara and the California Highway Patrol before things get really bad.

He and the other prisoners are taken before a judge, so we know everything's going to tie up soon.

Resolution (Denouement)

Free (?) At Last?

Luckily, Marcus's only sentenced for stealing a phone. He and his friends are now turning their energies towards getting people to vote. But severe haircut lady (a.k.a. Carrie Johnstone of the DHS) has been set free.
