Little Brother Themes

Little Brother Themes


Little Brother tackles terrorism, hacking, security, and government surveillance. Set in a not-quite dystopian San Francisco around 2008, Marcus's fears drive most of the plot and mirror those arou...


Friendship makes much of the rebellion in Little Brother possible. Friendship isn't easy or absolute, but when it's based in trust it can overthrow government regimes. In many ways, friendship is w...


What makes your identity yours? Why would you want to have a new identity? In Little Brother owning your identity makes you free. And we're not just talking your typical "figuring out who they are"...

Rules and Order

Rules are meant to broken. Or is that followed? In the world of Little Brother, like for many vaguely dystopian novels it depends on who you ask and where your allegiances lie. This book has everyt...


Power is everywhere you look. Fight the power. I've got the power. The Powerpuff Girls. And power's a huge deal in Little Brother. Getting power isn't the same as keeping power, but this book makes...

Freedom and Confinement

Marcus frequently quotes the Declaration of Independence and we think it might just be because he's really into the idea of freedom. Like in a "fight the man until you can't fight anymore" way.Litt...

Cunning and Cleverness

Not only are there lots of smart, clever people in Little Brother, there are lots of clever historical figures too. Turns out things like math and politics can be super awesome. (Yes. Even math.)Be...

Technology and Modernization

Little Brother's technology is very much of its time and there are tons of technological wonders explained in the course of the book. We get the feeling that Cory Doctorow is pretty pro-technology...