Lucky Jim Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Lucky Jim? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What kind of annoying hat does Professor Welch wear?

John Deere cap
Fishing hat
Top hat
One of those weird floppy medieval hats
Q. What kind of annoying hat does Bertrand wear?

Stovepipe hat
Indiana Jones-type fedora
Red Sox cap turned backwards
Q. What does Margaret use to "try" to kill herself?

A gun
A rope
A plugged-in toaster in the bathtub
Sleeping pills
Q. At the university's Summer Ball, what does Mr. Gore-Urquhart get for Jim that makes Jim like him?

A full pint of beer
An attractive dance partner
A date with Christine
The Breaking Bad Ultimate Blu-Ray Collection
Q. Amis symbolizes the consequences of Jim's heavy drinking by

Jim's fight with Bertrand
A CT scan of Jim's liver
Jim's car accident
The burnt hole in Mrs. Welch's bed sheets.