Mad Max: Fury Road Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mad Max: Fury Road.

Quote #1

IMMORTAN JOE: Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.

We're pretty sure you can't become "addicted" to something that is utterly necessary for survival, but we digress. What we see here is a warlord taking total control of an essential natural resource. Immortan Joe controls the water, therefore he controls the people who desperately need that water in order to, you know, not die.

Quote #2

TOAST THE KNOWING: Whatever happens, we're going to the Green Place.

CHEEDO: The stupid Green Place. We don't even know where to find it.

The wives are devastated when Angharad dies, but what's even more devastating is when they find out that the Green Place doesn't even exist anymore. How could it, when the earth has gone so sour?

Quote #3

NUX: There's high ground, just beyond that thing.

CAPABLE: He means the tree.

NUX: Yeah. Tree.

Imagine living in a world that doesn't have any trees. Heck, imagine living in a world that hasn't seen a tree grow in so long that you completely forget what the thing even is.