Marked Chapter 25 Summary

  • The next day is somewhat normal until Lit class, where Elliott is coughing really loudly, and then starts coughing up blood.
  • Elliott's mentor, Dragon, arrives, along with Nefret. Nefret gives Dragon a vial to give to Elliott. Dragon says it'll end the pain, and Elliott drinks it; Dragon promises to stay with him until the end.
  • Elliott is carried from the room, and Nefret tells the students that his body has rejected the Change, and soon he will die; she wants them to know that she'll do everything she can to ease their passing if they end up like Elliott.
  • Nefret also instructs the students to live as though they might die any day, so that they will be remembered with honor and integrity.
  • Class resumes, but there's a pretty serious atmosphere since apparently it's unusual for two fledglings to die within a week of each other.
  • Stevie Rae and Zoey discuss how the Dark Daughters' Samhain ritual is still going to happen. Stevie Rae has a bad feeling about it, and asks Zoey to either bow out or invite Stevie Rae to go with her, but Zoey refuses on both counts.
  • They notice her purse vibrating. Zoey pulls out her now-recharged cell phone and sees tons of texts from Heath. He's also left her a bunch of voicemails. They're all asking her to call him, saying he loves and misses her, and so on.
  • Zoey decides to talk to Nefret about it.