Marked Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Did you know that your oldest daughter has turned into a sneaky, spoiled slut who's screwed half of the football team?" (2.77)

Ouch. Here Zoey drops a bomb on her mother during the why the heck won't you support me now that I've been Marked conversation. How Zoey knows that her sister's been sleeping around we have no clue, but it sure serves as ammo in a serious talk with their mother.

Quote #2

Actually, instead of being afraid it was more like I was an observer, as if none of this could really touch me. (Kinda like those girls who have sex with everyone and think that they're not going to get pregnant or a really nasty STD that eats your brains and stuff. Well, we'll see in ten years, won't we?) (5.27)

Well hey there, Miss Judgey-pants. Zoey apparently doesn't think very highly of girls who have multiple sexual partners. Notice how she didn't include guys in that sentence? Yeah, there are definitely consequences for having sex, like pregnancy and STD transmission, but in Zoey's brain this kind of risky behavior reflects especially poorly on the girls who engage in it, without saying anything about their partners, some of whom may be male.

Quote #3

"You like it—you know you like it. Just like you know you still want me."

Her voice was all husky and trying to be sexy, but I could also hear the whine in it. She sounded almost desperate. (7.64-65)

In Zoey's moment of accidental voyeurism, she sees Aphrodite trying to seduce Erik (though she doesn't know who they are yet). And sadly, Aphrodite just sounds kind of pathetic. It's like she's trying to say the right sexy come-on lines, but totally failing.