Manipulation Quotes in The Maze of Bones (The 39 Clues)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Make sure they suspect nothing." (1.23)

We learn early on from this exchange between William McIntyre and the man in black that this game isn't going to be fair. They're pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

Quote #2

"The Cahills have had a greater impact on human civilization than any other family in history." (2.104)

Manipulation comes pretty easy to a family that's been doing it for centuries. The Cahills might as well be the Illuminati. But easier to pronounce.

Quote #3

"Most of you, I'm afraid, will decline the challenge and run away with your tails between your legs." (2.106)

Grace's taunting here is a subtle manipulation of her family. It's like she's saying, "If you don't participate in this game, you're a coward." That might convince some people do it. And she can't exactly force them any other way, being dead and all. Manipulation's the only option here.