Midwinterblood Immortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

All he's heard are the rumors, stories, the speculation, and the swiftly lost words of whispered secrets, about the island where people have started to live forever. (1.1.42)

Immortality is the whole reason that Eric Seven comes to Blessed Island. Can the people there really live forever? He'll soon find out.

Quote #2

Maybe the rumors are true, he thought. Maybe these people are living forever, maybe Tor is a hundred and twenty, the others spring chickens of ninety-eight. (1.3.19)

Eric has a pretty tough time figuring out how old anyone is on Blessed Island. All that dragon orchid tea they're drinking makes age seem pretty fuzzy.

Quote #3

He has been on Blessed for several hours. He has met a few people, and seen many more. But he has not seen a single child. (1.3.98)

This immortality thing has some serious side effects: You might extend your life, but you won't be able to create any new children. It's a circle of life kind of thing. Until the older generation dies off, the new can't come around.