Midwinterblood Part 5, Chapter 4 Summary

  • The twins tell Laura that this doesn't really seem like a ghost story. It's kind of a love story, isn't it? Yuck.
  • But the twins can tell this is going somewhere—there's something about the way that Laura tells it that makes it scary; something bad is definitely about to happen.
  • So Laura continues her little love/ghost story.
  • Merle and Erik fell more in love everyday. But Erik was usually busy working and Merle's father kept a close watch on her to make sure no hanky panky was going down.
  • At night, however, when her father thought she was in bed and Erik was supposed to be sleeping, they would meet in the meadow and walk together until the hems of their clothes were soaked by the wet grass.
  • One night, Erik asked Merle to promise that she would never leave him.
  • Merle agreed; even though it might be impossible, she would find a way to stay with him no matter what.
  • That same night, Merle came back home and went to bed. Her father came into her room to see his daughter sleeping.
  • But he noticed something a little odd: Her dressed was draped over the back of a chair and the hem was soaking wet. So busted.