Monster Lies & Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mr. Zinzi, do you know when you're lying and when you're telling the truth?

Yes—sure. (2.168-169)

Hmmm. Debatable. Does he care if he's lying or telling the truth? He doesn't know Steve or King, after all, and he really wants out of prison.

Quote #2

I just wanted to do the right thing. You know, like a good citizen. (4.57)

We are not buying this for a second—go back and check out the witness testimonies to see if you agree. Who wants to be a good citizen? Who just wants a break?

Quote #3

[The preacher] asked if anyone wanted to talk with him or share a moment of prayer. Two guys said they did, and I was just about ready to say I would when Lynch, a guy who is going on trial for killing his wife, started cursing at the preacher and saying that everybody wanted to talk to him and act like they were good when they were just criminals. (5.6)

Why does Steve want to talk with the preacher? Is he just like the rest of them, like Lynch said, or is he different?