Monster Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There was a baseball game on but it didn't look real. […] They were playing baseball as if baseball was important and as if all the world wasn't in jail, watching them from a completely different world. (15.6)

We often see from our own lens, without realizing that others see the world with very different eyes. Will Steve's version of reality return to what it was before the slammer, or will he have compassion for other young men like himself?

Quote #8

I looked over the movie again. I need it more and more. The movie is more real in so many ways than the life I am leading. No, that's not true. I just desperately wish this was only a movie. (15.14)

This is kind of like waking up from a bad dream and feeling relieved it's not real. But the opposite. Unfortunately for Steve, his bad dream is also his reality.

Quote #9

Why is he dressed in a prison uniform? […] With him in prison gear, that prejudices my client. (16.74)

No matter what we want to believe, appearances mean something. Even if Bobo's an innocent angel boy, in a prison uniform the jury will see him differently. That's the reality.