Mother Night Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Mother Night? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Resi is scary because…

she took over her sister Helga's identity when Helga died.
she can read minds.
she stands very quietly behind you until you turn around.
she always carries a gun.
Q. Kraft is scary because…

He cries all the time.
He's capable of being your friend for a year then stabbing you in the back.
He keeps wanting to paint you.
He knows what you did last summer.
Q. Jones is scary because…

He's a clown.
He trains fight dogs.
He thinks he can tell if you should live based on your dental hygiene.
His name is not Jones.
Q. Wirtanen is scary because…

He pronounces it pee-can.
He knows six ways to kill a person with his bare hands.
He's read your diary.
He appears as if from nowhere.
Q. Campbell is scary because…

He's a liar.
He gambles.
He fights.
He's a brony.