Princess Academy Chapter 13 Summary

  • Miri leads the girls back to the academy and goes through all the steps of diplomacy when she stands before Tutor Olana: "State the problem," "Admit your own error," "State the error of the other party," "Propose specific compromises," "Invite mutual acceptance," "Illustrate the negative outcomes of refusal and positive of acceptance," and "Assert a deadline."
  • They tell Tutor Olana that unless she accepts their terms—which include being allowed to go home on rest days and the dismissal of the soldiers—the new princess (whoever Prince Steffan chooses) will banish her to work in the swamp.
  • If she accepts though, they'll make sure that the new princess will find her comfortable work tutoring among the nobles.
  • To their surprise, Tutor Olana isn't mad—she's impressed by their diplomacy skills and agrees to their terms.
  • Everyone is delighted except for Katar, who seems jealous that Miri got to lead the diplomatic talk. She's just a hater.
  • Miri wakes up happy the next morning and thinks about how Peder called her his best friend. It's a good start.