Princess Academy Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Miri swallowed and tried to look modest, but it was too late. Katar was usually the best in the class, and surely she thought Miri's smile meant that she was gloating. (5.22)

And so the gloves come off—Miri may not mean to anger anyone, but in showing up Katar in class, she's setting off a chain reaction. Now the girls are going to be competing over who will become academy princess.

Quote #2

"Don't look so shocked, Miri," said Katar without raising her eyes from the book. "You're not the only one who can study during breaks. I guess you think academy princess is yours, no competition." (7.24)

Looks like Katar isn't wasting any time trying to beat Miri. She desperately wants to be the princess—though not exactly for love. She wants a chance to leave Mount Eskel and to see the world, and she'll do anything it takes to get what she wants.

Quote #3

In order to beat Katar as first in the academy, Miri knew she would have to be an expert on everything Olana taught. (9.29)

She may not be the biggest fan of Tutor Olana (or listening to people), but in order to be the very best in school, Miri will have to settle down and take a few pointers from her.