Princess Academy Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Miri exhaled. He was on their side, and he would not let the lowlanders take her away from home. (2.26)

Miri just wants to feel like her father loves her and finds her useful in their home. As long as he'll protect her from outsiders, she'll feel like she has a place in this family—even if she can't contribute to working in the quarry like the other girls in the village.

Quote #2

Miri hated the chore, but she did it every year to spare Marda, who wept to see any creature die. Miri wondered if Marda would steel herself to do the killing this year or if Pa would think to take care of it some evening. (8.48)

Even though no one likes to slaughter the rabbits for stew, Miri will step up and do it in order to spare her sister any kind of pain. After all, that's what family is for, right?

Quote #3

Her pa lifted her in the air and spun her around as if she were still a little girl. Marda was there as well, kissing her cheeks and warming her cold hands. Miri's eyes felt watery, and she put her face against her pa's chest. (11.5)

All this time Miri was afraid that her family wouldn't miss her because she isn't useful in the quarry. Guess she didn't have anything to worry about—they're thrilled to see her again after so much time spent apart.