The Reformed Vampire Support Group Inertia Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I snap at everybody a lot. I don't mean to, and I'm not as bad as I once was, but it's hard to keep your temper when the vampires around you are finding every possible excuse not to get off their butts and do something. (4.42)

Oh, Nina. Nina, Nina, Nina. You've got a bad temper and it shows when the vamps around you are being annoying with all their inactivity. She snaps at everyone, including Dave (who she secretly likes), and who can blame her? It'd be like being stuck with the whiniest reality show contestants you can imagine, who never actually do anything, ever.

Quote #2

It's funny—I hate so much about my life. I hate the cramps, and the nausea, and the boredom, and the listlessness. […] But that night, when it came to choosing between life and death, I didn't hesitate. Not for a second. (4.94)

You know what'll give you a swift kick in the pants? Realizing that someone who lived a lot like you live has just been killed. Nina hates a lot of parts of vampiric life, but she realizes when Casimir's killed that she wants to keep living. She doesn't want to end up like him, a pathetic pile of ash. Even her inactive, boring, miserable existence is better than that, right?

Quote #3

For years I'd been accusing the others of being typical bloody vampires, and now that the chance had come to act—to be involved—I had chickened out. I'd done what most vampires would do: nothing. (6.67)

When the group decides to send someone to Cobar to look into the silver bullet found at Casimir's murder scene, Nina ducks into the bathroom rather than commit to going along. As she thinks about what she's just done, she feels appalled at herself. How much can she moan and complain about other vampires being pathetically inactive, when she's just doing the same?