Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Scene 20 Summary

  • The crew members are worried about Chekov, but they continue their preparations.
  • Gillian arrives at the institute. To her horror, she finds the whales' pen empty. She learns from Bob that the whales were taken away the previous night.
  • Our girl freaks, slapping Bobby right across the grill. She rushes into her car and hurries away. We think we can guess where she's going...
  • Meanwhile, a helicopter flies over the bay carrying a large, flat object beneath. It's piloted by Sulu. Groovy.
  • The 'copter is above Golden Gate Park when Gillian arrives. She leaps out of her car and sees it passing the object to a floating man. That would trip us out.
  • Gillian runs around like a chicken with its head cut off until she collides with the ship. Kirk observes this from within and teleports her aboard.
  • Gillian is still screaming when she rematerializes, shocked that Kirk told her the truth.
  • Kirk shows Gillian the whale tank, which is almost complete. That's when she drops the bad news—the whales are gone.
  • Kirk is frustrated. Before they can discuss it further, however, he receives a message from Uhura. They've found Chekov at Mercy Hospital. He's in critical condition, and they've got to save him.
  • What follows is an amazing cut: we go from the inside of a spaceship to the inside of the hospital, with McCoy, Gillian, and Kirk dressed up as doctors.
  • Our heroes locate Chekov. With Gillian posing as a patient, they talk their way into the room where surgery is about to be performed on Chekov.
  • McCoy gets to work with his space-age medical technology. The other doctors are understandably confused, so Kirk locks them in another room.
  • After a minute or so, Chekov wakes up. He's alive. We're happy as can be.
  • Our heroes grab Chekov and make a run for it. Hijinks ensue. Luckily for everyone involved, they're transported out in the nick of time.
  • Back at the park, Kirk asks Gillian for the whales' tracking frequency. She's confused—she wants to come with them. That's a definite no, Kirk replies.
  • As Kirk transports away, however, Gillian leaps into his arms. They're both transported aboard.
  • Finally, Bounty launches. Everything is going swell so far.
  • There's just one problem: Spock is having trouble making the time travel calculations. That seems like a crucial detail.
  • The ship makes contact with the whales. We see them lazily swimming through the ocean in the ship's viewfinder.
  • There's another signal coming through, however. It's from a whaling ship. Those scoundrels.
  • Our heroes leap into action. They swoop toward the whaling vessel, blocking their harpoon with the body of the ship.
  • Bounty uncloaks, sending the whalers into a panic. They have no idea what this gigantic craft might be.
  • Meanwhile, Scotty transports the whales into the tank. It seems like the structure might buckle at first, but in the end, it works perfectly.
  • Our heroes are ready to go into warp speed. Ever the player, Kirk shows Gillian the whale tank while they make preparations.
  • Gillian is in awe. Kirk tells her that she should have stayed behind, but she says that she's the best person to take care of these whales in the future.
  • By now, the ship is hitting rip-roaring speeds. Things aren't looking good, however. They might not even reach the sun. In desperation, Spock takes direct control of the thrusters.
  • Spock nails it. Our heroes once again arc around the sun and…
  • It seems like it worked. This suspicion is confirmed when the power starts flickering and our heroes see the probe on the view screen.
  • The ship is breaking apart. Our heroes lose control and crash into San Francisco Bay.
  • Desperate, Kirk runs down to the whale tanks as the rest of the crew evacuates. The room is mostly flooded at this point, so Kirk frees Scotty and Gillian and sends them up to the surface.
  • After Scotty and Gillian are safe, Kirk rushes into the room and frees the whales from their tank. By now, the rest of the crew members are standing on top of the ship, so Kirk swims up to meet them.
  • To the crew members' joy, they see the whales swimming away. They're not singing, though.
  • Why?
  • After a long moment, it finally happens—the song begins. The probe slowly backs away from Earth and responds with some music of its own.
  • This goes on for a little bit. Then, out of nowhere, the glowing orb retracts into the probe, and it flies away from Earth. Talk about anticlimactic.
  • The crew celebrates as the weather calms and power is restored to Starfleet.