Tales of the Madman Underground Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I understand how much you just want a year of things being the way they're supposed to be. S***, when I get home the first thing I do is make sure my grandpa's not in my sister's bed, or she's not curled up someplace crying. And I'm a cheerleader, and popular, and all that crap. I feel like, god, I should only be worrying about cute boys, and what to wear, and college applications." (18.38)

We've already speculated about how life must be downright exhausting for Cheryl, and here's the proof: On the outside, she's popular, pretty, and normal, but the truth is, there are probably very few people outside the Madman Underground who know the truth about what's going on at home. Kind of makes you want to be a little less hard on the cheerleaders—after all, you don't know what they're facing when they leave school.