The Body of Christopher Creed Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Alex grabbed my arm, like this was totally important in comparison to him lying in my face. (7.25)

Friends who lie to their best friend aren't worth much, and the definition of a friend should probably includes something about the person being honest with you. It seems like the popular crowd is only interested in appearances, though.

Quote #5

I had just done some sort of serious crime. […] And here I was, the type who could never even lie without looking guilty as hell. (9.74)

What do you make of Torey's lie that he tells to get Mrs. Creed to leave the house? Is it okay to lie toward realizing a greater good, which in this case is figuring out what's happened to Chris?

Quote #6

Yeah, I guessed Bo was an ace liar. (11.75)

We will totally admit that we are exclusively stoked that Bo is such a good liar since it's what gets Chris's diary into Torey's and Ali's hands (instead of Mrs. Creed's grimy paws).