The Body of Christopher Creed Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Don't get Pentecostal on us before noon." (5.38)

Renee gets fed up with Leandra's extreme God talk, too. These kids might all be popular, but that doesn't mean they're on the same page when it comes to religion.

Quote #8

I shut my eyes and thought, God, do something here because I can't cope with this all by myself. (10.35)

We know Torey believes in God because he prays for help at a chaotic time. This is the only time he prays however, though you could argue his prayers are answered since his mom steps in to help out.

Quote #9

"So why do you waste your time running down to the Pentecostal church every Sunday if you come around on Monday calling people dirtbag and turbo slut?" (14.39)

Go, Torey, go. Leandra is being a total hypocrite and very unchristian, so while maybe Torey could have said this more nicely, at least he said it.