The Body of Christopher Creed Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] "So why do you waste your time running down to the Pentecostal church every Sunday if you come around on Monday calling people dirtbag and turbo slut?" (14.38)

What can Leandra say to this? She is being a hypocrite and hurting others with her hobby. This is one of the main reasons Torey breaks it off with her; he just stops caring about her because she doesn't care for anyone else.

Quote #8

They would whisper to the other patients, and I had the pleasure of overhearing them a couple times. "… helped kill that Chris Creed kid out in the woods, just hasn't gotten arrested yet…did something with the body… made him crazy…" (22.83)

Gossip hurts. There we said it. It does, and it can do real damage. Chris Creed must have realized at some point, too, that whatever people gossip, people believe. Kind of like the Apostle's Creed…

Quote #9

All I had wanted to do was help a few hurting people—Bo, Ali, and Creed himself. I didn't realize that for my next trick that I'd lay myself open for the grand trophy of small-town scrutiny and humiliation, compliments of Renee Bowen. (23.34)

You can't roll in the mud and expect not to get dirty, Torey, and in this small town, shifting allegiances from the popular kids over the outcasts is guaranteed to get mouths running.