Lies and Trust Quotes in The Death Cure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We didn't lie to you. You do have the Flare." (2.14)

Nope, that's a lie. Thomas doesn't have the Flare; he's immune to it. GAHH.

Quote #2

"I don't think it was a lie at all. By completing the Trials, by arriving at the safe haven, you helped us collect more data. And because of that there will be a cure. Eventually. For everyone." (3.9)

See, this is how WICKED works: they tell half-truths. Well, we have a shocker for you: half-truths are also half-lies…and half-lies are pretty much full lies—which makes WICKED a very, very annoying entity to deal with.

Quote #3

Again, everything rang true, made sense. Fit in with the memories that had come back to him in recent weeks. And yet his distrust of Rat Man and WICKED still sprinkled it all with doubt. (3.14)

Here we finally see Thomas coming to his senses. Despite everything he's been told that sounds true, he can't actually trust anything WICKED says—not even if his memories are telling him that WICKED is telling the truth.