The Death Cure Theme of Manipulation

We've seen WICKED manipulate the Gladers in the Maze and then in the Scorch, but now, in The Death Cure, it's time to see what happens when WICKED throws our heroes into the real world. Whenever something is happening that could potentially go wrong (or even right), the kids have to constantly remember that maybe it's all part of a test.

Think about it: these kids don't have any memory of what their lives used to be like before the Maze. Therefore, their whole lives started in the Maze. It's like they were born in the Maze. WICKED has been the puppeteer, pulling the strings every second of these kids' lives—and now it's time to finally try to break out of WICKED's hold.

Questions About Manipulation

  1. Does WICKED manipulate the Gladers too much? Should they have toned it down?
  2. Does the Right Arm manipulate Thomas?
  3. What's worse, WICKED's manipulation or their lies? Are they the same?