Memory Quotes in The Death Cure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She was a link to his past and, he knew without any doubt, had once been his best friend. (3.18)

If Teresa is constantly portrayed as Thomas's best friend in the past, it seems a bit odd that he doesn't trust her. Sure, she betrayed him in the Scorch, but her explanation does make lots of sense—seeing that it was true.

Quote #2

Remembering everything didn't sound good anymore. (5.2)

An interesting twist: Thomas, Minho, and Newt don't want their memories back, because it actually doesn't sound appealing to them. Imagine not wanting to remember the past. Would you be the same person if you lost most of your memories?

Quote #3

"You really want to spend the rest of your lives having no memory of your parents? Your family and friends? You really want to lose the chance to hold on to at least the few good memories you may have had before all this began?" (5.24)

Guilt-tripping the kids into wanting their memories back is just another way Janson represents all that is evil in WICKED. None of this, for Janson, is actually about the kids' well being; it's all about getting what Janson needs.