The Demon's Lexicon Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If Arthur was so concerned about him, it was funny he hadn't put forth his best effort until the time came when Nick could be useful.

Nick thought of the messenger telling them, Black Arthur says that now's the time. He wants it back.

It. Nick. The charm Mum had worn had just been another lie, and the look on Alan's face when that messenger came had not been fear for Mum. He hadn't been plotting and lying to shield Mum. (15.83 – 85)

We love it when Nick starts to figure everything out. It reminds us of that scene in Return of the Jedi when Darth Vader is looking back and forth between the emperor and Luke before he makes his choice. If only there were some kind of space vacuum Nick could toss Black Arthur into…

Quote #5

He did not remember ever thinking in words before. He did not remember ever thinking of himself as having a name before. Names were human things, important because humans used names in order to use you. A name was a collar and a chain. Nick didn't have a name.

Nick saw the problem with that last thought almost immediately. (17.9-10)

Yeah, back when he was Hnikkar, he wouldn't have had words at all, but now that he's supposedly become Hnikkar once again… he does. Words, and as it turns out, a human name too. So then is he really Hnikkar? Or is he Nick? Or is he something in between?

Quote #6

It was dark, and a little cold. He felt tired and chilled by everything that had happened today. He wanted to go home to Alan, eat cereal on the sofa, and sleep in his own bed. (17.16)

If these aren't typical human thoughts, then we aren't Shmooperific (and we know we are). Who hasn't had one of those days where getting home, having a snack on the sofa, and crawling into bed sounds like just about the best thing ever? Actually, we can think of one group that probably hasn't had that experience: demons.