Exploration Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Thomas got to his feet and started walking toward the eastern opening. "Well, no one said I couldn't look around." He needed to learn something or he was going to lose his mind. (4.15)

Infamous last words: "No one said I couldn't…" This is probably the most brazen Thomas acts the entire time he's in the Glade, most likely spurred by his innocence. He has no idea what's out in the Maze yet, so how could he be scared?

Quote #2

"Two years we've tried to solve this thing, no luck. Shuckin' walls move out there at night just as much as these here doors. Mappin' it out ain't easy, ain't easy nohow." (7.20)

Ever realize Alby talks like the gatekeeper from the Wizard of Oz?

Quote #3

Maps. This intrigued him more than anything else he'd heard in a while. It was the first thing suggesting a potential solution to their predicament. "Of course they do, but there's still stuff they need to talk about and discuss and analyze and all that klunk. Plus"—the boy rolled his eyes—"they spend most of their time running, not writing. That's why they're called Runners." (9.50)

What's exploration without documentation, right? Then it's just a fun adventure in the woods. By mapping their exploits, the boys are doing something constructive to try to figure out their situation.