Memory Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

His memory loss was strange. He mostly remembered the workings of the world—but emptied of specifics, faces, names. Like a book completely intact but missing one word in every dozen, making it a miserable and confusing read. He didn't even know his age. (3.22)

When is memory loss normal? Well, outside of soap opera amnesia, that is. Then it happens with surprising frequency, although usually not to teenagers.

Quote #2

He wished for all the world he could remember something about his previous life. Anything. His mom, his dad, a friend, his school, a hobby. A girl. (3.75)

Is this a bit of foreshadowing? Could the girl be Teresa, or is he just generalizing?

Quote #3

It was just so… weird. He remembered lots of little things about life—eating, clothes, studying, playing, general images of the makeup of the world. But any detail that would fill in the picture to create a true and complete memory had been erased somehow. It was like looking at an image through a foot of muddy water. (5.31)

That's gotta be frustrating, but it's also better than remembering nothing, right? Like, having to re-learn how to eat and walk and talk would've made this whole experiment much more complicated.