The Maze Runner Style

Straightforward, Uncomplicated

Don't feel like slogging through pages of loquacious descriptions regarding scenery? Or dialogue that lasts so long you have to flip a few pages back in order to keep track of who's talking? Then this book is perfect. The writing style is very simple: few words exceed more than three syllables, the sentence structure is short and uncomplicated, and the chapters typically only cover one event at a time.

A typical paragraph looks like this:

Thomas sighed; it was such a long story, and he didn't feel like telling the whole thing. "You don't know Gally, but he's a psycho kid who ran away. He showed up, jumped on a Griever, and they all took off into the Maze. It was really weird." He still couldn't believe it had actually happened. (40.32)

See? Easy peasy lemon squeezy.