Identity Quotes in The Maze Runner

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

At that moment, Thomas realized with a sickening lurch that he had no idea how old he was. His heart sank at the thought—he was so lost he didn't even know his own age. (2.24)

Maybe he should lay off the peppermint schnapps…

Quote #2

"Chuck, how… old do you think I am?"
The boy scanned him up and down. "I'd say you're sixteen. And in case you were wondering, five foot nine… brown hair. Oh, and ugly as fried liver on a stick." […]
Sixteen? He was sixteen? He felt much older than that. (3.23)

We all feel older than we are… until you hit about 50. That's when you start to say "Yeah, I'm 65 but I feel like I'm 20 again." Side note: has anyone ever seen fried liver on a stick? We're wondering exactly where Chuck got this analogy from.

Quote #3

Thomas rocked back and forth, wiping away the sweat. And at that moment, in the space of only a few seconds, he learned a lot about himself. About the Thomas that was before. He couldn't leave a friend to die. Even someone as cranky as Alby. (18.8)

Yes, Thomas, crankiness should not be a death sentence. For anyone. You get a gold star… we guess.