The Sting Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Sting.

Quote #1

CURLY: Name's Curly Jackson. I worked for Gad Bryan outa Baltimore.

It's fun to see how all of these conmen understand one another's references. Their community is so tight that you could swear they were all lawyers or doctors. People even give references when they're applying for grifting jobs. The whole thing is so organized it's no wonder they can pull off such elaborate schemes.

Quote #2

KID TWIST: Good, have 'em down at Stenner's old Pool Hall before 3:00. We're gonna run through the route tonight.

Twist is the man in charge of recruiting more than twenty men for Henry Gondorff's big con. It's amazing to see how many people are able to get together for the sake of pulling off a huge con. But that's where we see the extent to which the conman community is based on trust. If any one of these conmen were ever to sell out his friends, you can bet he or she would never work in the business again.

Quote #3

BOUDREAU: Okay, Twist, but you know if this blows up, I can't do ya no good downtown. Gondorff is Federal.

Boudreau is a smart guy and as loyal as anyone. That's why he's totally honest when he tells Twist that he can't protect him from the cops if this new scheme blows up. Gondorff is a guy who's wanted by the FBI, and even though Boudreau is connected, he can't pull any favors when it comes to federal law enforcement.