The Sting Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Do you think the con that Johnny and Henry pull off is realistic? If things went wrong, where do you think it would happen? Why?
  2. Where does Lonnegan come from and how does it help explain how ruthless he is?
  3. What does Johnny do with his share of the money from the big con? What does it tell us about him?
  4. Why does Johnny need Henry's help? Who points Johnny in Henry's direction?
  5. Why does Luther want to get out of the conning game? What does he plan on doing afterward?
  6. What are some of the key elements of every con we see in this movie? What makes them so effective?
  7. What does Johnny want out of life? How does he plan on getting it?
  8. Who ends up being "Salino"? What happens to Salino and who is responsible?