The Sting Resources


The Sting at

This is the place you want to go for all the vitals on this movie…and some pretty great movie trivia.

The Sting at

Critics give the movie a 93% rating and audiences give it a 95%. We think they're both wrong: this bad boy deserves 100% across the board.

The Sting at

This is the place you want to be for an expert breakdown of all the ups and downs of this classic film.

Articles and Interviews


One reviewer from The Telegraph tells us why The Sting is the American caper movie and why it's even better than it's George Roy Hill predecessor, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

The Critics' Corner: The Sting

One reviewer from Turner Classic Movies explains some of the funny production stories behind The Sting and how everything came together to make a magical, jaunty movie (did we mention that it's jaunty)?

Original 1973 Review of The Sting

This is a great look into what people thought of the movie when it first came out. And kudos to this reviewer for pointing out the fact that The Sting often feels like "a musical comedy from which the songs have been removed."


The World's Easiest Five Grand

So Mottolla thinks he just made himself some easy money. But he's about to find out that he's not the one who just walked away with cold hard cash.

"A Game of Jacks"

Because who among us doesn't love watching Henry Gondorff totally own Doyle Lonnegan in a game of cards.

This is a Class Joint

If you want some help figuring out how to get rid of a guy's bodyguards, here's the clip that'll do it.


The Sting Soundtrack Suite

Sit back and enjoy this little compilation of the most popular songs from The Sting. And just try not to tap your toes.


It doesn't have much to do with the movie, but how can we talk about the word "Sting" and "audio" without including some music from the one and only Sting?


Let's Play Some Poker!

And by "play," of course we mean cheat.

Wait for the Sign…

And there it is.

We Didn't Do Nothin'

Henry and Johnny give us their best, "This is all a big misunderstanding."